Keep your vibe high

How to Raise Your Vibration

Understanding our vibration, how to raise it and "ascend", is the main goal for our spiritual growth. It's the foundation of our Well Be-ing and impacts our emotional, physical, mental, and of course, spiritual wellness. If you are seeking to understand this on your spiritual journey, or are just looking to have a greater sense of well Be-ing, raising your vibration will impact your life in a positive way.

Understanding that we are Energy, and are vibrating in a world of energy, helps to give understanding as to how raising our vibration does impact our Well Be-ing. As our vibration raises, it furthers attracts positive experiences, (think Law of Attraction, which I will talk more on another blog post)  And, who doesn't want more positive experiences? Read on.

Spiritual Grounding:

Learning to ground is an essential practice for well Be-ing. In ancient times, we had much greater contact with the earth than we do in modern times. In grounding, we are able to further raise our vibration by having a strong foundation. Think of a tree that has roots that go deep into the ground to secure it. Grounding brings balance, mentally and physically, which enhances our spiritual well Be-Ing. Grounding allows for our Spiritual Be-ing to move into the space of our heart, instead of our head. Our heart space is where we connect with Source. Grounding balances our energetic field, our aura, and assists to keep our vibration high. Think of any current of energy, it needs a good ground in order to flow properly and not short -circuit. 

A spiritual  grounding technique is to visualize or imagine roots growing and extending from our feet, down into the earth. The purpose of this is to bring oneself into connection with Mother Earth, this allows to bring in a greater perspective of something larger than oneself.

Grounding allows to bring the energy/focus into the physical body, and brings thoughts out of one's head. Often thoughts cycling through our minds are a source of anxiety or FEAR ( False Evidence Appearing Real).  Being well grounded, will also impact the health of our root chakra, bringing an even greater sense of well being that will impact our physical ( this includes our material  also) Through the act of imagination/ visualizing, we are able to bring ourselves into alignment of Earth.  This is able to occur as our energy goes, where our attention goes.


Grounding may also be called Earthing, and this actually has a proven scientific effect. Research has shown that connecting to the earth's electrical energy improves well being. The energy of earth neutralizes free radicles. By physically having your feet on the earth, sand or water, our body soaks up negatively charged ions. This promotes a decrease in inflammation and chronic conditions. Our ancestors had much more contact with the earth than we do now. In addition, shoes made out of rubber, which are poor energy conductors, leave us with even less contact with Earth. The concrete we walk on daily further distances us. Never having a good connection with the earth. Our ancestors lived closely with earth, touching it, and working with it daily. I believe that this lack is a great contributor to the mental health issues in major cities; living in a concrete jungle, and no grounding, which leads to increased anxiety and other issues.

If you want to raise your vibration high, grounding is essential.

All You Need Is Love:

As everything vibrates at a frequency, understanding that our emotions also vibrate at frequencies and is important when we want to raise our vibration.

Love is one of the highest frequencies to vibrate at. Cultivating love and striving to live with love in your heart will raise your vibes. However, there is a challenge with this. This is a spiritual love. Not just love that we feel for those closest to us. Cultivating love, learning to viewing others with compassion, indeed, viewing others as "souls", each on their individual journey on earth, will help to foster love in your heart. Forgive those that have harmed you or fallen short. Not a task that is easy, but one that will lighten your heart, and raise your vibration. The Heart Math Institute has research that demonstrates the  heart has an actual intelligence to it. Learning to live from our heart will bring a greater connection to  self, an increased sense  of intuition, and bring a higher awareness. All of which will guide you in a compassionate and intelligent way. 

Our Heart has a greater intelligence than our logical reasoning brain. Learning to live from the heart will bring a greater ability to connect with this. Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves. If  struggling with forgiveness, ask Spirit for help.

What Brings You Joy ?

Living with joy is an even greater way to raise your vibe. The energy of joy vibrates higher than love. So do what brings you joy. If you are not sure what that is, seek it. Living with joy is Be-ing in a state of bliss. We may have some experience with joy on a momentary basis. Endeavour to do more things that bring you joy. Being joyful is an expanded state- a feeling of being connected with yourself- and expressing yourself in the highest way.

May Peace Be With You:

Be-ing in a state of peace, is yet even a higher frequency or vibration. Often, our greatest conflicts are not with others, but with ourselves. We must learn to make peace with ourselves, with the inner demons that cause the battle within. Theses inner battles are often old wounding, waiting to be acknowledged and released. These wounds are acquired in childhood, through trauma,  unresolved grief and fear — all which lower our vibration. Being in a state of peace, is even a higher vibration than joy. It is a vibration of sublime contentment. It is a state that we may often seek, yet it comes from within. May peace be with you.

Contemplation/ Consciousness

When we contemplate something, we are bringing ourselves to a deep, reflective thought. It is through contemplation that we are able to transcend the intellect. With contemplation, we are harnessing the ability of of our mind. Our mind is pure consciousness, unbound by our physical limitations. With contemplation, we begin to expand our awareness and consciousness, and access higher planes of knowledge and understanding. Our greatest thinkers, inventors, contributors to earth, were those that had the power of contemplation. Through contemplation, we develop the power of our spirit.  It is through contemplation, that Plato believed that the soul is able to ascend to Higher Knowledge. Plato considered the highest contemplation was to experience the vision of God, or The All.

Using your contemplation abilities daily, will raise your vibration and expand your consciousness.

Lorraine Appleyard is a Certified Spiritual Medium and Psychic, a Reiki Master and Spiritual teacher. Experiences with spirit as a child had Lorraine always aware of the world of spirit. It was in her early teens Lorraine sought and understanding of these experiences. Lorraine has spent over three decades of spiritual seeking, the study of comparative religion, philosophy, theology, all things esoteric and metaphysical, and the study of the human mind. Psychic and mediumship development also occurred during this time. Working for almost 30 years as a nurse, has allowed Lorraine to clairvoyantly view the state of the aura with wellness and disease, and allowed for the study of the mind and mental health through a spiritual perspective.

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