Help — I think I am a medium! How do I know?

Often times one may be a medium, or be going through an awakening of mediumistic ability, and not know or understand what is occurring. These feelings may cause some sense of distress if not understood. So if you, or someone else that you know, are having these experiences, you may be a medium.

As one who has always experienced spirit and mediumship abilities from childhood ( a natural medium, which I will go into more detail on this term later), I have not always understood what was occurring, or why.  It took years, even decades of learning to gain that understanding. Which is why I feel so compelled to share and teach about it. 

First, let us define what a Medium is, By definition; 

  • "Medium” is something in the middle position. ( Meriam Webster)

  • A substance regarded as the means of transmission.

  • A channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment (usually media related)

  • A go between or intermediary.

  • An individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of Spirit.

Thus, understanding that a medium is a go between or a bridge from the physical world, to that of Spirit.

Usually this term is used to describe one who connects and communicates with a loved one who is deceased, with Angels or guides. 

Often times these individuals may have had these mediumistic abilities since childhood. Still, there are those that have developed these abilities later in life. These abilities, or gifts, as it is often referred to, may actually cause some confusion or a sense of insecurity,  to those who experience it. Further, to some it may bring a real fear of what they are experiencing. There can even be a real concern that one is losing their mind, or touch with reality. Understanding that you may be a medium is the first step. knowing what it means to you and how to manage and develop your gifts further is another step.

If you are reading this, you are most likely a medium or know one who is. In all of my years experience, I have not met one who wondered if they were having mediumistic experiences and were not. Trust that inner knowing!

Mediums are sensitives. Not in the “she is  so sensitive” context — it is not a weakness — but sensitive in that a medium has heightened sensitivity and is able to perceive things of a nature that others may not. Mediums and mediumship is completely natural although many may feel like they are crazy, or losing their mind with their experience. It can be isolating and draining also if they’re not in understanding of what is occuring. Mediums are highly empathic. They are able to perceive the thoughts, feelings, and impressions from the living and the deceased, and from the World of Spirit, which exists all around us. One does not need to be a working professional medium in order to have this spiritual gift, and it can be developed further if you choose to ever step out on that path.

As I indicated, there are different types of ways of experiencing mediumship; one who has it early on ( often referred to as a natural medium) or one who experiences an opening later on in life. However, it is important to note that all types of mediumship are completely natural.

Are you wondering if you or a loved one is a medium? Here are some common mediumship signs:

You recall seeing spirit as a child, or you may have had relatives who have. 

Mediumship and spiritual abilities do run in families and have a heredity factor.

If you saw spirit after the age of 3, you may be a medium. It is common for children under the age of 3 to see spirit. I refer to it as the newly bred or nearly dead status. ( those that are transitioning will often report seeing loved ones that have passed in spirit. The Western medical teaching will define this as hallucinations. It is not). Those that are new to the Earth plane, and those that are preparing to leave have one foot in both realms. After the age of 3, if seeing spirit is not nurtured, we will naturally continue to develop our physical senses here on the earth/physical plane. 

You felt things clearly about people, places, and things.

This is called clear feeling, or clairsentience.

If you have always been able to have an awareness of the energy when walking into a room, knowing if there had been an argument or tension, or the feel of love and protection like when attending church, you may be a medium.

You never felt like you fit in.

Enough said about this, really. But very true. In my years of working as a medium I have found that there is an overwhelming feeling of just not fitting in, or feeling right. Knowledge is empowering. If you always felt like you never fit, you may be highly sensitive, which is a trait of being a medium. Most sensitive/mediums always felt like they never fit in completely, particularly as young people. This is due to the high sensitivity and the deeper processing of information. As sensitives, there is a longing to have deeper connections and there is often a difficulty in relating to other people. Often there is a sense of anxiety around others, a sign of being highly sensitive.  You may have just always felt that  you were different. You are! You are a medium.

As a child you were always afraid of the dark. 

I spent all of my years as a child being afraid of the dark. Almost terrified at times. This lasted well into adulthood until I learned to control my abilities. Often children with mediumistic ability are afraid of the dark because they are actually sensing spirit. As twilight comes and the earth start to sleep, there is a heightened activity of spirit at nighttime. Not only did the dark scare me, but I was always afraid to have my feet hanging over the bed at night. If you have a child that is sensitive, consider the possibility that they have mediumistic abilities. 

You had imaginary friends as a child.

 I feel like this is a big indicator. Was your best friend as a child an imaginary one? Often these " imaginary" friends are spirit, guides, loved ones, or other friendly spirit people. Spirit are able to tell who are sensitive enough to their higher vibration and frequency. If you had imaginary friends as a child it is very likely that you have mediumship ability.

You hear voices or your name being called out and there is no one there

If you hear voices like a conversation in another room and no one else is does, this is clairaudience, or clearhearing. This also may take place in the form of hearing music being played with no known origin, or you may hear voices in your own head in answer to questions. Or you may have ringing in your ears with no known physical cause. 

You always have has a special connection with animals.

I have always had a special connection with animals and I have found this to be true of many mediums. It feels almost like a heart to heart connection with animals. A soul communication. You understand what they need, and they feel comfortable with you. You feel like you can communicate with them, or you have conversations with animals. 

You have vivid dreams.

Those that have mediumistic ability often have very vivid dreams, a sign of clairvoyant ability. There may also be experiences of lucid dreaming ( being awake or aware within a dream) or having the experience of astral travel ( soul travel) while sleeping. 

Crowded places overwhelm you. 

If you feel that crowded, busy places are overwhelming, or if you need significant "down time" after attending such places, this could be a sign. As sensitives, our ability to sense, to feel, is great. There is a sensitivity to energy. Places where there is a lot of energy can be overwhelming. All this is processed through our highly sensitive nervous system, and can lead us to feel over stimulated, or drained afterwards.

You feel the presence of spirit.

If you have felt that you were being watched and no one was there, or felt that you were being followed and no one was there, you may be sensitive to spirit.

Electronic devices, alarms, lights and electrical type equipment go off or go awry when you are around. This is because of your high vibration that impacts it. ( I have found this particularly so during classes on Zoom that it will randomly go awry).

You always have great advice or attract strangers who share their story with you.

You have a profound way of giving advice or guidance to those around you, often in a spontaneous manner, words given inspired by spirit. 

You have felt the presence of a loved one strongly after they have passed, and have received numerous "coincidences" as signs of their presence.

You have seen spirit in the corner of your eye.

If you have seen spirit in the corner of your eye ( peripheral vision) or have had the experience of seeing orbs, shadows or flashing lights — also called spirit lights — this is the beginning of clairvoyance, or clear seeing and can be further developed. 

You have had paranormal experiences that could not be explained.

You have always been drawn to the paranormal, shows that have magic in them, or anything that may be of a mysterious, or spiritual in nature. If you have always had an interest in watching or learning about the paranormal, you may be a medium.

You have a strong sense about physical places.

You may have chills or tingles or a feeling of dread even in some places. A general "bad vibe" feeling. A sign of clairsentience, or clear feeling. 

You have recurring feelings of Deja Vu.

If you have had these experiences, and are able to relate to 5 or more of these listed, you may have the ability of mediumship.

Mediumship is an ability that we all posses and it can develop at any time. This opening may occur during certain experiences in life that are dramatic, a life change or event that initiates it.  Developing these abilities and understanding them is a process of spiritual development, and is a beautiful journey of healing and personal growth. 

Lorraine Appleyard is a Certified Spiritual Medium and Psychic, a Reiki Master and Spiritual teacher. Experiences with spirit as a child had Lorraine always aware of the world of spirit. It was in her early teens Lorraine sought and understanding of these experiences. Lorraine has spent over three decades of spiritual seeking, the study of comparative religion, philosophy, theology, all things esoteric and metaphysical, and the study of the human mind. Psychic and mediumship development also occurred during this time. Lorraine is a proud member of Best American Psychics, tested to be accurate and ethical. Working for almost 30 years as a nurse, has allowed Lorraine to clairvoyantly view the state of the aura with wellness and disease, using her intuition to gain a deeper perspective of what was occurring, and allowed for the study of the mind and mental health through a spiritual perspective. You may join Lorraine in her dedicated Facebook groups for development, Soul Light Solutions and Mediumship Development and Support, Global. Look for her weekly broadcasts Speaking with Spirit, for guidance and demonstration of psychic and mediumship abilities.

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