Navigating change with grace

The Keys to conquering FEAR on your Journey

2020. There us no doubt that this year has brought change. A year that is not quite over yet. And, while there are those that will argue that change is always occurring — and that is true — there has been a quantum leap in our energy at this time. The Matrix field is changing, rapidly. If you doubt these words, just look around you at what is occurring. Applying some metaphysical principles, we would understand that the energy of the physical world is changing. This is due to the principal cause, a change of energy in the mental and spiritual planes. Ascension. And it is occurring rapidly. 


Change, any kind of change, will often bring a state of worry or anxiety. I know that with the current change that is being experienced now, there are many that are experiencing a great state of anxiety. Our sense of unease is often perceived through the solar plexus. This feeling is  the awareness of change that is occurring on an energetic state. The energetic field around us, the quantum field, is shifting. Although everything around us may appear to be the same, but there is a change that has occurred on the non-physical realm. This would be true of any change that we may ourselves initiate for ourselves. Although it may appear that the change has come from our physical actions, the change actually started to occur from the non physical plane, from the dimension of the mental and spiritual plane, as the change first occurs as a thought, or an idea. 

The balance, or stability that we seek in our personal lives will always be challenged and upset by the nature of the universe, which is always evolving. The seeming order that we experience, an illusion, may give way as the universe and the natural laws of nature, will seek to have a new balance that is of a higher order.  Modern science now supports the creation myths that have been passed down. From out of chaos — that which creates new life — balance once again is restored. Nothing remains static.

What does this mean? And, more importantly, how can I approach this change? How may I manage the emotions that often come with change?

 "The only thing to fear, is fear itself". I believe in this address from Franklin Roosevelt. I also use the acronym FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real, a tool used in NLP ( neurolinguistic programming) to bring awareness to be conscious of exactly what your fears are, to rise above that fear energy. It is important to be aware that the emotion ( E-motion = Energy in motion) and the energetic vibration of fear, on a scale is of a low vibration and disempowering. So, in looking at your fears, one can start to be aware that most of our fears never actually manifest. Taking this approach will allow you to start to put some of these fears into perspective. It is important to realize that we all experience fear. It is in fact one of the six emotions that are recognized as being universal in humans. (Happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, and disgust are the other universally recognized emotions experienced by humans). 

Fear can manifest in our life in different ways. Many of our fears are subconscious, meaning we are not consciously aware of them, but are reacting to them unconsciously. During times of change, these fears may be triggered, and the emotions will surface. These may manifest in terms if chronic anxiety and worry, or even experiences in the physical body.

Fear is also primal. It relates to survival, and the ongoing uncertainty of the human experience. At the root of this fear is the fear of nonexistence. This may be triggered differently for each person depending on their life experience. During this current climate of profound change, we may remind ourselves of some profound truths. Then, I will provide some tools to further navigate. 

There is somewhere inside of us, a part of us that is eternal. There is a part of us that cannot be destroyed, that cannot, simply, turn into nothing. We are reminded that there is an essence to us that is enduring. Ancient philosophy and mysticism is now being proven by science; that energy cannot be either created or destroyed. It may change forms. We are Beings of energy. This we know to be true. Our soul, and the spirit that flows through it, is eternal. 

Ok, so, now how to deal with this change that is occurring?

Understanding the primitive and subconscious response of this fear of non existence is a key part to overcoming it. Understanding that responses may be triggered by how we are perceiving events is also important. 

This fear of non-existence is a universal one, something that exists in the collective unconsciousness. We may experience these gnawing fears on a personal level with change. We may also experience fear on a collective level. Meaning, it is not our personal experience, but we are experiencing it collectively, as we are all connected. These may be events that may be occurring in your local vicinity, or on a larger, global scale. Those that are particularly sensitive to energy may experience this significantly. It may be interpreted as their own fear or anxiety. If there are any doubts to the validity of this, let us apply the metaphysical principle that we are all one, and that our surroundings are all a part of us. We are all connected. Further, Quantum Science supports this viewpoint. In addition, the collective unconscious, a term coined by Carl Jung — a protege of Freud — outlines that beings of the same species share the same as others on a collective level, and thus, having a common shared feeling, even if it does not show up in one's personal life. Meaning once again, that we are having a collective experience. 

So, how do we shift this feeling experience of this fear during these times of change? And, how do we rise above with this shift of energy?

Affirmations, when used effectively, with repetition and with feeling, impress itself upon the subconscious mind. Recite an affirmation when in a receptive state — a relaxed and open state. Remember, you are spirit. Connect, or rather reconnect with your natural self. Let go of the Ego self,  which is connecting you to the idea of fear. Shift your mind to Spirit. Where you activate your free will is when you consciously choose. Meaning, you are consciously choosing to reconnect with the power of your soul, which is Divine and able to create. Visualize your desired outcome. If you are unsure of what you desire, get clear on it. Start by visualizing and feeling happiness, contentment and prosperity. Know that low-energy thoughts, like fear, weaken and block the flow from the universe, which is divine and abundant in its nature. If you are feeling overwhelmed with fear, repeating a prayer allows for a shift in vibration, and creates a direct line from your subconscious to that of the Divine. My favourite prayer to use is the Lord's Prayer, which is powerful and has esoteric meaning to it. It may be used by all denominations. Place your focus on Spirit, and access the power of it to create while also focusing and contemplating  on your desired outcome. The power is there always, waiting for you to reconnect. Realign with the power of your soul and of spirit. Set your intention for the highest and best good in your life. The universe is evolving.

Lorraine Appleyard is a Certified Spiritual Medium and Psychic, a Reiki Master and Spiritual teacher. Experiences with spirit as a child had Lorraine always aware of the world of spirit. It was in her early teens Lorraine sought and understanding of these experiences. Lorraine has spent over 3 decades of spiritual seeking, the study of comparative religion, philosophy, theology, all things esoteric and metaphysical, and the study of the human mind. Psychic and mediumship development also occurred during this time. Lorraine is a proud member of Best American Psychics, tested to be accurate and ethical. Working for almost 30 years as a nurse, has allowed Lorraine to clairvoyantly view the state of the aura with wellness and disease, using her intuition to gain a deeper perspective of what was occurring, and allowed for the study of the mind and mental health through a spiritual perspective. You may join Lorraine in her dedicated Facebook groups for development, Soul Light Solutions and Mediumship Development and Support, Global. Look for her weekly broadcasts Speaking with Spirit, for guidance and demonstration of psychic and mediumship abilities.

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