Is your loved one in spirit communicating with you?

Is your Love one in spirit trying to communicate to you?

Our loved ones in Spirit do continue to be present with us after they have passed from the physical plane. often they give us signs of their presence for us, in an attempt to communicate or bring an awareness to themselves. Just as often, we do not recognize or trust that these experiences are actual signs of spirit. As a medium, I have come to understand that our loved ones are always around, and through conducting many readings and having validation that our loved ones in spirit continue to share in our life, and visit often. I have found that in times of emotional need that they visit even more frequently. They send signs of their presence to communicate with their earthly loved ones. Giving signs of their love, reassuring that they are well, and acknowledging the continued connection from the Other World.

There are some common signs that our loved ones in Spirit give. Having an understanding of these signs will allow for you to trust the signs that your loved ones in spirit are giving you.

Our loved ones in spirit come back to visit us, very often sometimes. The  reasons for them coming back is individual to each of them, however, the greatest reason is to provide evidence that there is an afterlife, that they continue to be aware of the physical world, and most importantly, they come back to give love, support, and a promise of a continuation of a relationship from spirit.


One does not need to be a medium to able to receive these signs from spirit and to have the experience of connecting with our loved ones in spirit. Receiving signs from our loved ones in spirit is actually very common. Often times what happens is that these signs and methods of communication are overlooked, or dismissed by rational thinking. This happens a lot. Learning to understand and trust the signs from spirit and communication from your loved ones is easy to do with a few simple steps to gain awareness and understanding. With understanding what these signs are and to interpret them  will bring confidence that the  experience  is indeed real. Then you can enjoy these moments of hello from The Otherside.

ADC or After Death Communication is a term used for receiving signs, or communication from our loved ones in spirit. ADC is actually quite a lot more common than one may realize. In my years of doing mediumship readings I have had many occasions when spirit has shown their communication attempts and have had it validated. 

Let us review the more common signs of communication from The Other Side.

Feeling A Presence:

Many people report feeling a presence of their loved one when alone. There is usually an overwhelming feeling that their loved one is in the room together with them. Sensing the presence of your loved one is very common. Any close relationship ( this includes close relationships with our furry friends too). A close relationship in the physical world where you feel connected with the person will remain with those close feelings where you are able to just sense the presence of your loved one and just know that they are around. Those that experience this may also get a sense of what their loved ones  emotions are. These are usually strong feelings of warmth or love. You may be aware of a shift in energy in the room when they are around, or you may actually feel a movement in the air, like a breeze. A change in temperature is also a common sign that spirit gives to make their presence be known. As spirit is pure energy, a shift in temperature may be experienced in the presence of spirit. 

Smelling a scent or fragrance

It is common to receive scents or fragrances as a sign from spirit. A scent of the person’s perfume or cologne to announce their presence when around are frequently reported. 

If you get a waft of cigarette smoke and no one around you smokes, it is most likely your loved one in spirit that did. Giving a sign from spirit that that they are around. 

You may get a scent of flowers in the air when spirit is around.

This experience of smelling scents from spirit is called Clairalience, or Clear smelling.

Hearing a Voice

It is a common experience to hear the voice of our loved ones in spirit.

It may sound as though the voice is extensively like a calling out when in the human form, but it is also likely that you hear the voice in your own head, as a thought or word transference. It may sound like the voice of your loved one or it may sound like your own voice, but the words and the feelings from those words would sound like the words your  one in spirit would use. They may call out your name, or you may be having a conversation with them in your head when you are going about day.

Feeling Their Touch

While this is perhaps the most wonderful of signs to receive from your loved one in spirit – a feeling of a hug, or an arm around your shoulder, maybe even the feeling of a hand upon your hand, these occurrences are not as common as some other signs.  A visitation like this kind will occur mostly when you are alone and usually in the hours of the early morning, when you are just rising, or in the evening hours as you are winding down. These signs from spirit are also more often received in the days following your loved one’s passing. These types of visitations may also be experienced by not a feeling of direct touch, but in the feeling of something close to you move, like the bed mattress or a couch cushion. I have found through my work that this is a common way that a beloved pet may make themselves known. The slight indentation of a mattress where they would routinely lay.

More Than Just A Dream

These types of experiences where our deceased love one enters our dream and speaks with you is called a visitation dream, or spirit visitation dream. 

These dreams feel more than just an ordinary, regular dream. These dreams are usually very vividly coloured and our deceased loved ones  are often surrounded some kind of light. There is usually an emotion that accompanies the experience also,  like an overwhelming sense of love or peacefulness either during the dream, or upon waking. Many times these experiences are had and the individual will not realize that it was a visitation. A spirit visitation can occur as early as several weeks after the transition of our loved one, and acts as a message of the loved one’s safe arrival. There have been occurrences of spirit visitations that have come to announce their passing into spirit. These dreams may then not occur for a very long time, or occur during periods of stress, and may occur sporadically for years.

A Phone Call

 This sign from spirit is somewhat common. A phone call with nothing but static or an empty line. These may occur more often around anniversaries or other significant times. They may occur as a sign when our loved ones are in our thoughts. Sometimes there may be a voice on the other end calling out a name and nothing more. As phones are electrical equipment, the energy is easy for spirit to manipulate. 

Electrical Devices

Lights going on and off, a radio changing its station, or turning itself on and a favorite song is playing, are all ways that our loved ones in spirit are trying to get our attention. 

Objects Moving

Sometimes our loved ones in spirit will get our attention by moving objects. This may be items being misplaced, like keys being moved, or objects falling down, like a photograph or mirror. Any kind of movement that is meant to get our attention very clearly. These sorts of signs from spirit may occur when someone is grieving very deeply and not able to sense or connect energetically, or is very closed and rigid in their views on the spirit world. 

Appearances From Spirit

Sometimes our loved ones may be seen as an apparition. These kind of sightings may appear as a full body hologram type image, or a partial type image. They may appear misty-like, or some may appear in full solid form. Although this is often depicted in the media and movie making, this type of phenomenon is quite uncommon. These sort of occurrences are more apt to be experienced at night when it is easier to perceive the subtle energy due to changes in the bio rhythms. These type of occurrences tend to occur in the bedroom as an apparition at the foot of the bed. 

Symbols And Synchronicity

Often times our loved ones in spirit will speak subtly to us. They wish to show us that they continue to be present in our lives and are still with us.   These common signs from spirit include experiences with butterflies, birds, and other animal messengers. Other common signs from our loved ones in spirit are receiving coins (pennies from heaven, but this does not exclude other coins like dimes or nickels), feathers, or other objects that hold a meaning. 

Many times we ask for a sign from spirit in order to have proof of the continued existence of our loved ones that have passed. Be aware of any synchronicities that occur in response to asking. Trust that anything that you receive in response to a request is a sign. When you trust that you are receiving a sign, you will know that this is your loved one bringing a message to you from spirit.

If you are wondering how can you tell if the sightings are a sign from spirit or not, look for the behaviour of the animal, or the timing in which it occurs. If a butterfly comes and lights upon and stays, this very well may be a sign. 

Repeating numbers and other reoccurring signs. A repeating number is a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence, that is often used as a way for our loved ones in spirt to give us a sign to communicate with us. 

It is important to know that it is believed that it takes learning on The Other Side with how to communicate and give messages. For some, it does appear to be easier. This may be a reflection of the belief system of the loved one that passed. Did they believe in an  afterlife and did they talk about coming back and giving signs? 

Meditation and Alpha States

When in meditation and other relaxed states, spirit is able to make contact more easily, as the conscious mind is not a barrier to the intuitive mind in these states. During these states, messages are usually relayed, either verbally or silently with a knowing. These are often messages offering comfort, reassurance or guidance.

Lorraine Appleyard is a Certified Spiritual Medium and Psychic, a Reiki Master and Spiritual teacher. Experiences with spirit as a child had Lorraine always aware of the world of spirit. It was in her early teens Lorraine sought and understanding of these experiences. Lorraine has spent over three decades of spiritual seeking, the study of comparative religion, philosophy, theology, all things esoteric and metaphysical, and the study of the human mind. Psychic and mediumship development also occurred during this time. Lorraine is a proud member of Best American Psychics, tested to be accurate and ethical. Working for almost 30 years as a nurse, has allowed Lorraine to clairvoyantly view the state of the aura with wellness and disease, using her intuition to gain a deeper perspective of what was occurring, and allowed for the study of the mind and mental health through a spiritual perspective. You may join Lorraine in her dedicated Facebook groups for development, Soul Light Solutions and Mediumship Development and Support, Global. Look for her weekly broadcasts Speaking with Spirit, for guidance and demonstration of psychic and mediumship abilities.

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