Understanding the spiritual meaning of the Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is a significant time in the phase of the Earth and the relationship to the sun. It occurs twice a year, and is an important event that is often celebrated throughout ancient cultures. This event  is significant as it affects the length of the day and night. The winter solstice occurs on December 21st, and in the year 2020 will occur at 5:02 in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is referred to as the first day of winter. Solstice in Latin means literally = Sol= Sun and "sistere" which means to stand still, because of the way that the sun appears to stand still.

 The Winter solstice has traditionally been celebrated throughout ancient cultures as a fire festival. It is a spiritually charged event, that marks the longest and darkest night of the year. It has been observed as Yule in pagan cultures and celebrates the birth of the new solar year. As one cycle is coming to an end, it marks the beginning of a new cycle, the return of Light. This is as much an astrological event as it is a spiritual one. The is a spiritual and psychological shift, ( as our mind and spirit are connected). The solstice marks the dark days that we have had to endure, and with these dark days, a spiritual introspection. With this deep introspection, a contemplation of the spiritual aspect of life. 

This event that marks the return of the sun, speaks to us in a metaphysical manner, that we have battled the dark days, and now the Light returns. At this time, the dark has won over the light, but there is a turning point, and a promise of better days. The winter solstice marks a period of time of deep reflection, it is a time of rest, a time of healing, as strength is built with the returning of the sun. The energy of this time is to go within. And within you must go, in order to hear the whisper of the soul's deepest yearnings, and face the shadows that dwell. Being fearless with facing our shadow self is essential, as our emotions are part of our experience. To deny our emotions and experience is to cut ourself off from our source of power. The return of the light acts as a metaphor, that with these dark days, there is a promise of the return of light. Be not afraid of the darkness, as it is a powerful tool to bring change to our own life. That no matter how dark it appears to be, the promise of the return of light is written in the heavenly bodies. This is a powerful time of self transformation!

In ancient cultures, before the advent of calendars, and life was marked solely by the journey of the moon and sun. Using these methods of telling time was essential for survival. This was a tool for knowing when to plant crops and harvest. It was a tool to gauge as to  how long it was needed to make food storage last. The return of the sun was a welcome event!

It is of no coincidence, that the event of the Winter Solstice occurs just before the Eve of Christmas. Also a fire festival. 

There is a spiritual significance, and an energetic significance. The greatest significance is that it marks the birth of the sun ( son). The religious significance, is that it is the birth of Christ, the birth of the "son". The birth of these spiritual higher beings is symbolic of the light that is within us. The divine light that is within each of us, and of our eternal connection to Spirit, the Creator. The holiday of Christmas has strong pagan ties to it; like the yule log, mistletoe, the Christmas tree, and giving "offerings" or gifts.  Yule has been celebrated long before Christianity. 

This is a time to go within, and have a look of introspection. It is a time of setting intentions and goals for days ahead. A time to reflect our upon our experiences. It is a time of healing and releasing the old. This is a powerful time of regeneration. 

Want to celebrate the winter solstice and mark your spiritual journey?

Simple things like burning a Yule log

This is used symbolically to bring in the new light. Let is burn safely overnight. Or build a bonfire to burn bright. More modern ways would be to have the fireplace light. Or, you may simply burn candles. I use this also as an opportunity to cast my desires upon the Universe.  Write your intentions on a piece of paper and burning it in the Yule fire it sends the energy out into the universe. You may write down things that you wish to release out of your life, to mark bringing in the new, and write down that which you wish to bring into your life.

 Decorate with holly or mistletoe.

Bring something from outside, in. Meaning, bring some nature into your life. Or, get outside and spend some time in nature. Make or hang a wreath.

Decorate with bells. Bells were used in ancient times to drive away dark spirits, and to bring in the brighter days.

Have some elves to decorate! 

Elves were viewed by ancient people to be real, and knew that the spirits that created the sun lived in the land of the elves. By honouring the elves, it was believed to assure that they would help with the return of the sun. 

Have some gingerbread!

 In ancient times specialty bread had very strict rules and was only allowed to be consumed on special holidays. It has since been connected to Yule.


Have some special brew!

Ok, this may be my favourite celebration. In ancient times, Waissal is derived from old English and means literally waes hael, be well,  or good health. It is a strong ale and honey drink, or a mulled cider. When greeting guests a rising of glasses from a large bowl of ale was shared with the wishes of " drink and be well"

Caroling is an ancient practice of children honouring the Winter Solstice with song. 

Wear the colours of Yule! Green, White, Silver, Gold

Red represents the waning Holly King. Green represents the waxing Oak King. White represents the purity and hope of new Light. Silver represents the Moon. Gold represents the Sun/Son.

The Winter Solstice is a time of transformation. A time to spend with family and friends and celebrate the return of the Light to our darkened world. It is an energetically and spiritually charged time. 

In this year, of 2020, with Covid, it has changed the celebration of the holiday for many. Even with this restriction, it illustrates the eternal promise of Light to return. Spend some time in reflection, share some warmth with a fire. Know that with this return of light, that there are brighter days ahead. It is written in the stars.

Lorraine Appleyard is a Certified Spiritual Medium and Psychic, a Reiki Master and Spiritual teacher. Experiences with spirit as a child had Lorraine always aware of the world of spirit. It was in her early teens Lorraine sought and understanding of these experiences. Lorraine has spent over three decades of spiritual seeking, the study of comparative religion, philosophy, theology, all things esoteric and metaphysical, and the study of the human mind. Psychic and mediumship development also occurred during this time. Lorraine is a proud member of Best American Psychics, tested to be accurate and ethical. Working for almost 30 years as a nurse, has allowed Lorraine to clairvoyantly view the state of the aura with wellness and disease, using her intuition to gain a deeper perspective of what was occurring, and allowed for the study of the mind and mental health through a spiritual perspective. You may join Lorraine in her dedicated Facebook groups for development, Soul Light Solutions and Mediumship Development and Support, Global. Look for her weekly broadcasts Speaking with Spirit, for guidance and demonstration of psychic and mediumship abilities.

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