What does the year 2021 mean for you? Energetic forecast for 2021

It is no secret that the year 2020 will go down as the most impactful year experienced globally since World War Two. So what can we expect in this year? 

The Age Of Aquarius – Are We In It? 

First, let us take a closer look at the numbers and their meanings.

Using a combination of Numerology and Astrology let us look at what we can expect. And, what was the energy of last year all about anyway?  The number 2020 in numerology can be reduced to the Master Number 22. With this high-vibrating number, it caused chaos as the emanation of Light descended, causing a strong impact, shaking our very foundation.  

With that energy closing behind us now, what are we in store for this year? What can we expect, and how should we best approach it for our highest good?


Using the ancient art of Numerology, we can glean further insight into this year. According to numerologists, the Universe is built on the energy of numbers and their mystical correspondence. Each number has an inherent vibration and contains certain properties or characteristics. Understanding the nature of these vibrations can help to bring balance and understanding. Numerology was believed to be founded by Pythagoras.

The energy of this year is indeed dynamic. As we use numerology to arrive at what we can expect from the energy this year, we have the energy of 5. 2021= 2+0+ 2+1= 5 . We will look at what the energy of the number 5 brings and what the astrological significances are for this year.

5 Energy

The energy of 5 is a dynamic force, one of change. Yes, there was much change in the previous year, but there was an element of stability to it, which brought much introspection. Now, we have this energy that is a halfway point between the personal year. With this midpoint, we have the wisdom from our previous experience, and the excitement of what lays ahead. There is a change and new experiences. The number 5 relates to new learning experiences, and a sense of freedom. If you have been looking to make some changes with a change of residence, this will be a good time.

There will be a sense of being reborn, after the tulmultuous experience of the last year. This sense of renewal will extend to relationships, work and travel. This is also a time to focus on education or learning. This number supports you in making changes for your highest good. Learning from any mistakes made in the past will allow you insight to strive forward and flourish.

If you are looking for a new job, or a new role and responsibility, this energy will support you in that direction. This is a time of new partnerships created from the energy of 5. Be prepared for new challenges!

This energy may signify a new relationship. If you are already in a relationship, there will be a change or renewal for you. 

There is something special about the number 5

The number 5 has been described as the number of humanity, because of the human body having four limbs and a head. In addition, humans have 5 fingers and toes, and this is often used to define our humanness, possessing 5 digits on each limb. The 5-pointed star — the pentagram —  has been used throughout the ages as a representation of human kind and the Universe.

The number 5 is recognized as a number of excellence. Ratings for restaurants or experiences are often out of 5 stars. 

There are other examples of the significance of the number 5:

In the Bible, there are five wounds of Jesus Christ, and David had five stones with which to defeat Goliath.

Five is the number of books in the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


The number 5 has been held to be a number of change and adaption in Numerology. This relates also to the number 5 card in the Tarot, which uses numerology in its meaning.

As a number of change, experiencing it successfully requires using all of the knowledge and skill acquired from our life lessons in order to transition successfully. It also requires a certain amount of surrendering to the Universe and trusting in the intelligence of the Universe, which is innate and powerful. 

In the Tree of Life, an ancient spiritualist practice from the Kabbalah, the number 5 represents the blending of our past lessons, using the power of Wisdom and Mercy to navigate our experiences. A time to connect with our intuition, and the spiritual master within.The Heirophant in the Tarot is at the path of number 5, and represents the divine spiritual teacher within who communicates with each of us through our intuition. There are challenges with this number, that of greed, materialism, and the attachments to material thing, all barriers to obtaining our highest spiritual nature.

On an Astrological Point of View

Many astrologers believe that we are entering into the Age Of Aquarius. 

We understand that to make room for the new, that we must make space. Have a shift. That was what last year was all about. The global pandemic, and even the election, all making space as the Age of Pisces ends and we enter a new era. Although there has always been discussion around when the true Age of Aquarius begins, the nature of the last year would point that we are entering it. Another sign was that on the  Winter Solstice ( December 21, 2020), Jupiter and Saturn co-joined in the sign of Aquarius with the Great Conjunction — also known as the Christmas Star.  That was the first alignment of these planets in Aquarius in 400 years! There are also 7 Celestial bodies moving into Aquarius in February — wow! These would be the sun, moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, plus an asteroid Pallas. These will all cluster together in what Astrologers call a stellium. Saturn will remain in Aquarius until 2023, and and Jupiter will also for most of the year. This will bring forward the energy of that planet that will present itself with a forward thinking energy. This will focus on humanitarian issues, advances in technology, and new innovations that will appear to be unconventional and progressive thinking. This will be the energy that continues throughout this year and beyond. 

We will see our first retrograde with Mercury on January 30th, that is in the air sign of Aquarius. Also May 29 brings another retrograde in the air sign of Gemini, and the last retrograde on September 29. Again in an air sign. All this brings a focus on communication and it will feel a little out of sorts. This allows for us to reset and re focus on our words and be more mindful of our communication and the way that we engage with one another. Focus on the “re” part; re-flect, re-view and re-member. 

What does the Age of Aquarius mean for us?

There will be a greater focus on the collective good. A WE versus ME philosophy. There will large shifts as we enter into this age of air ( Aquarius is an air sign despite its water-sounding aqua). There will be a shift in the way that old ideals and structures of power have traditionally been which historically have been patriarchal. This may effect the way that we view our current lifestyle and way of thinking. There will be a focus on the greater good of mankind and forward thinking. 

Be mindful as a negative aspect of the advancing of technology may be the way that we interact with each other, or rather don’t. 

There is a large opportunity for healing at this time, both collectively and individually. As we enter this year with the energy of 5 to guide us, AND, we are entering into what many astrologers believe to be the Age of Aquarius, this is a time for healing, for personal growth, and the growth of community. This year will be a time of reflection and moving forward with awareness from experience.

As we heal together collectively, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Together, with the lessons that we have learned during the past year, there is much growth and potential spiritually which will reflect outwardly. Even in these dark days of winter and the pandemic, there is a wonderful light ahead.

Be well, and walk with spirit.

Lorraine Appleyard is a Certified Spiritual Medium and Psychic, a Reiki Master and Spiritual teacher. Experiences with spirit as a child had Lorraine always aware of the world of spirit. It was in her early teens Lorraine sought and understanding of these experiences. Lorraine has spent over three decades of spiritual seeking, the study of comparative religion, philosophy, theology, all things esoteric and metaphysical, and the study of the human mind. Psychic and mediumship development also occurred during this time. Lorraine is a proud member of Best American Psychics, tested to be accurate and ethical. Working for almost 30 years as a nurse, has allowed Lorraine to clairvoyantly view the state of the aura with wellness and disease, using her intuition to gain a deeper perspective of what was occurring, and allowed for the study of the mind and mental health through a spiritual perspective. You may join Lorraine in her dedicated Facebook groups for development, Soul Light Solutions and Mediumship Development and Support, Global. Look for her weekly broadcasts Speaking with Spirit, for guidance and demonstration of psychic and mediumship abilities.

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