Reflections On The Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

With the Spring Equinox upon us, I feel the shift of energy already. The longer days and more light has illuminated both the physical word, and my inner world.

I spend a lot of time in reflection and contemplation. Even more so during these significant astrological events.

I don't believe that living a spiritual life makes life easy. The journey of our Soul is that of growth. And, with all growth, I do believe that their comes with it growing pains. Perhaps moreso, when wishing to live a life intentionally. At least, not brushing the nasties under the proverbial rug.

I find it difficult to balance all my many roles. The greatest ones being that of a mother and a wife. Perhaps the greatest reason being that I process things so deeply, and require extra time to ground, assimilate and just Be. The constant demand of motherhood has always challenged me in this balance. The demand for Be- ing present and active versus the need for some quiet and solitude in order to process and connect with the guidance within. And yet, these greatest roles have also provided me the greatest opportunity for growth. The benefits of motherhood, of being in a loving relationship, involve a certain amount of giving, and of sacrafice. . Yet, this giving in turn blesses with being open to receive more blessings, perhaps even greater than that we can imagine. The warm and loving energies of motherhood, of compassion and giving, in turn transmits their energy to the astral plane, and in turn grow the spiritual essence. Anytime that we put the concern and well BE-ing of others, it casts out thoughts and energies of Self. Of Ego, and allows for the transmutation of spiritual energies and the expression of Spirit.

I know too, that we are in a time of great change. The landscape around us cannot be ignored, and seen in all areas. A time to refocus on the spiritual energies that are shifting. A time of great growth. But as I said before, with growth comes growing pains.

May the blessings of the Spring Equinox be upon you.