Beneath The Wounds

Our wounding can run deep.

As a sensitive, I know that all too well. I have found that through the struggles in life, we are given great opportunities to learn. To understand ourselves, our true nature, and find strengths that we did not know existed. I believe, that as we are Divine Be-ings and co creating, that these experiences of darkness serve a purpose. I believe too, that the ability to heal, physically, mentally, spiritually, is far greater than we may understand.

To be able to move past our wounds, that is the challenge.

I know that for myself, the very weight of the wounds can feel so great. Emotional pain, I believe, is the greatest amount of pain, and can be difficult to heal from. The emotional pain causes an effect upon the mental and the physical self. At times, the weight can feel so great, that it may feel difficult to even move.

Our wounding is where our wings are.

The incredible true nature of our soul is powerful. We often times may not fully understand that. In experiencing darkness and pain, we have a contrast to Light.

Pain exists as a purpose. It can drive us to have a different understanding. Just as we withdraw from something that is painful physically, emotional pain causes us to withdraw also. Emotional pain can drive us deeper. Much of the growth that we achieve in life, is done through by having pain. Looking at it in this perspective, when we learn to walk, we stumble and fall and receive bumps and bruises causing pain. It is through this experience of falling down that we are able to learn how to walk. Similarly, the emotional pain causes us to dive deep into our soul and to understand it’s nature. It is through this understanding that we learn truths. it is an opportunity to heal and let the light in. To become more aware, more whole. As each of us heals, we are able to heal the collective also. We are growing. Both individually and as a collective. We are learning the truths that are eternal and Divine. It is in allowing ourselves the experience of this pain that we are able to see deeply the truths. Do not push the pain down or away. But allow yourself to experience it fully. It is in these moments of intense trials that we are able to feel the presence of something greater than ourselves. To have an awareness that we are more than what meets the eye, and that there is something greater out there. It is through these experiences that there is a transcendence and a growing of consciousness. Without these experiences, one cannot be moved to a deeper state of awareness.

True to human nature, when in good times, our focus is that of the material. Through difficult times, our focus is inward and on the purpose of existence and the higher meanings of life. It is through these contemplations that we are able to expand and bring the Light into our lives, and to others. Through our own healing and grace, we are able to heal and provide grace to others.

When we are forced to look within, we are able to receive answers. Trust that you will not always have this dark heaviness upon you, and that the time will come that you will be able to feel joy again. That does not mean that the hurt will go away entirely, for some losses do remain. But it does mean that love and life can co exist with some wounds. That we have the ability to experience Light and Love again, and you will have a greater understanding of the incredible gifts of your Soul and Spirit.

Have an experience that you would like to share about how your pain has helped you to grow in some way?

Share it in a comment below.


Beneath our wounds lay the the gifts of our soul.

“The wounds are the place where the Light enters you”
— Rumi