What Is An Empath? Signs and Skills

Finding out that you are an Empath or a Highly Sensitive person is often a Eureka moment for those that are. Discovering that this is the reason that you experience things the way that you do, and that there are tools that you can use to take back control of your life is empowering.

For many, the discovery of being an Empath or Highly Sensitive is a validation of their life experience and gives meaning and understanding.

Signs of sensitivity may include easily feeling overwhelmed, feeling drained or overwhelmed in crowds, mood shifts that you don’t understand, experiencing thoughts or emotions that are not yours, and feeling very connected or tuned into people around you. Do you feel very happy or sad if a friend or loved one is either happy or sad. Do you prefer to have moments of solitude for yourself? Do you have other behaviors like; choosing not to ride with someone to work or an event so that you may have time to decompress afterwards, or choose to leave as you desire. Have you been accused of being “too sensitive” or have your feelings easily hurt? Do you find yourself overeating to deal with emotions?

If you can say yes to any of these, you may be an Empath.

The term Empath comes from the word empathy , which is the ability to sense or understand the emotions and feeling of others outside of their own.

Empaths are highly sensitive people who process things very deeply and differently. Their view of the world is very different through this experience. Empaths have an ability to be very acutely aware of what feelings or emotions others around them are having. On a spiritual level, empaths are very intuitive, and are able to tune into energies and emotions of people and of places. Empaths’ literally feel what others are experiencing, and this can lead to overload and burnout. Empaths' are usually introverts and require a large amount of time alone simply to recharge themselves. For those that have families and busy lives, this can be can be difficult. Empaths often have difficulty setting boundaries for themselves which further leads to burnout. Poor boundaries is a hallmark for empaths, as they often are sensitive to the idea of hurting the feelings of others .

Empaths are very intuitive.

You are instinctively able to tell if someone is not being honest or holding something back. You are able to sense the motives intentions of others’.

As an Empath, you may make decisions that other’s may think are not sound, but you make them primarily on instinct, although it may seem impulsive or foolish to other’s looking in.

Learn to trust your intuition.

Empaths are often highly intuitive

In honoring your own intuition and instinct and recognizing the truth of it, you no longer need to self doubt yourself. Fact.

Feeling moody or emotional, tired and irritable are classic signs of empath overload.

Learning how to manage your sensitivities is key. Understanding your sensitivity as a gift, not a curse.

Understanding that when someone else is experiencing either grief or happiness, that you may feel strongly those emotions as if they are your own. To put it simply, other people’s pain and happiness become your own.

Empaths easily experience a sensory overload and can feel frayed and frazzled. Even setting boundaries is difficult at times because the hurt that other’s may experience from wishing to express the need for alone time can make you feel even more frazzled. However, learning to set boundaries is key for all Empaths and sensitives. Learning how to manage your own energy and not get lost in everyone else’s emotions and energy is important! Learning to recharge your own batteries and use self care is essential.

Get out into Nature

Everyone can benefit from being outside in nature and fresh air, but Empaths have an even greater need to be outside to regenerate and ground their energy. This allows for Mother Nature to clear off the energetic body that acts as a sponge and reset the highly sensitive nervous system and is grounding and centering.

Practice Self Love and Compassion

Empaths are very compassionate individuals, often to a fault. However may not practice compassion for themselves as easily. Make a dedicated effort to practice compassion for yourself and monitor self talk. The overwrought Empath has a habit of poor self talk due to the overload of emotional energy. When extremely overloaded, an Empath may feel very low in mood and energy. Take measures before that happens!

You may feel like you don’t fit in.

Feeling so easily drained or overwhelmed is not always easy to explain. Learn to see your sensitivities as a gift. By having a better understanding of yourself, it will be easier to articulate to express it. Do not own any perceptions from other’s that are not aligned with your own truth.

Empaths are usually in helping fields

Empaths often gravitate to a helping field. As individuals who are very compassionate with a strong urge to help other’s, they tend to work in professional fields where their empathy may be of benefit to others.

The downside to this is that all of the helping can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Be mindful to take the time to recharge and consciously disconnect emotionally.

Reduce toxic people and situations

Although this may be true for everyone’s well Be-ing, it is especially true for the highly sensitive Empath. Do not fall into the habit of gossiping about other’s and complaining when other’s are. Remember, you are an emotional sponge, and you do not want to take that on!


Empaths naturally isolate to protect themselves from overwhelming energies of other’s and of situations. The downside is that sometimes the tendency to isolate is too great and can not be healthy all the time. Recognize too the importance of having healthy relationships. Learn to meditate for isolation and resetting your energy. The companionship of a pet can bring a healthy emotional relationship . Empaths tend to form deep emotional bonds with animals and even communicate intuitively with them.

Remember to honour yourself. Developing the practice of journaling may help to sort out your emotions and help bring insight to your intuitive impressions.

Practice self care daily. Yes, daily. Even if that means taking just 5 minutes for yourself to breath, and practice some positive self talk.

Remember to reach out for support from friends or professional help when feeling particularly overwhelmed to help get perspective.

Being an Empath is a beautiful thing, once you understand all of your sensitivities.

It is the caring qualities that Empaths bring to the world that make it so beautiful.

Through honouring yourself and setting boundaries, you will better be able to share that beauty.

Learning not to identify with the emotions and energies of others’ is essential for Empaths.

Lorraine Appleyard