What on Earth is Wrong With Earth?

Fires, Floods, Plagues, Storms, Rising Temperatures

Fires, plagues, storms, rising temperatures, wars. What is going on with Earth? And why?

Before we can answer that, we first must contemplate and have the understanding that everything is energy. The world, the universe around us is energy. But not just energy, but consciousness. Everything in nature has consciousness. Earth is consciousness. In fact, nothing is void of consciousness. All natural states, even rocks, have consciousness. Although that may be a difficult concept to grasp, consider the theory Panpsychism, which is the view that all things have a mind or a mind-like quality. The word itself was coined by the Italian philosopher Francesco Patrizi in the sixteenth century, and derives from the two Greek words pan (all) and psyche (soul or mind). writes All About Space’s David Crookes:

“This claims consciousness is inherent in even the tiniest pieces of matter — an idea that suggests the fundamental building blocks of reality have conscious experience. Crucially, it implies consciousness could be found throughout the universe.”

We may endeavor to understand this further if we apply Quantum Physics to this. In Quantum Physics we would understand that nothing is separate. Taking it a bit further still, we may look at the Gaia Hypothesis which postulates that all living and non living things are interconnected and can be viewed as a single living organism. It suggests that all living things have a sort of regulatory effect on Earth. Contemplate that for a few moments if this is shifting your concept of reality a bit right now. (https://www.britannica.com/science/Gaia-hypothesis).

Right now, at this very moment, you are being inundated by energy. A sea of information in the form of energy , thoughts, emotions, intentions. Constantly being enveloped by signals of energy that affects your own energy. And although you may consider that, you may feel that this does not mean that Earth has a consciousness. Consider further the Noosphere. The Noosphere is the sphere of thought enveloping the Earth. The word comes from the Greek noos (mind) and sphaira (sphere). The term Noosphere (pronounced a bit like "noah-sphere") was first coined by the Jesuit priest/paleontologist Pierre Tielhard de Chardin. A fascinating blend of contradictions, de Chardin lived as a respected scientist on the one hand, and a dedicated mystic on the other, a true visionary. As a mystic and a scientist who studied evolution, he believed that the next phase of evolution was to evolve from a mindless “ biosphere” to a mindful world that is directed by intention, by the mind, and evolve to a global unity of consciousness. And if this sounds just a bit far fetched to you, consider the internet, which has evolved over the last 20 years and proving that the concept of the Noosphere is not that far out there after all. Information travelling at the speed of light and affecting and influencing everything.

Now, let us consider one of my favorite movies ever, Avatar. In this movie the planet is actually alive and interacting with the inhabitants through a web of consciousness. Like most sci-fi movies, they are actually built upon some seed of theoretical science, or from revelation. There is in fact, real science that states animals and plants are communicating with each other. Dr. Paul Stamets has done a lot of writing on the theory of fungi communication. It is fascinating if you wish to read further here: https://paulstamets.com/mycological-strategies

Nature is bound by forces, which mystics, philosophers and religions seek as ‘universal truths’. One of these truths is the network theory. This has been described by the ancients over centuries, and is so frequently dismissed as without merit, yet the truth lies just beneath our nose. There is an interconnectedness in nature and that nature evolves and adapts through a series of networks that organize it, better understood by String Theory. All this allows us to understand, that science has in fact proved what mystics have been saying for the ages, We are all connected.

Which brings us to our next question; So, what is wrong with Earth?

Ancient people worshipped Earth and recognized the integral aspect of earth. Earth was honoured and revered, understanding that it supported life. In fact, most cultures viewed earth as a living Be-ing and goddess, Earth mother, which nourished and supported all of it’s inhabitants. Earth, and it’s well being, was considered in a daily aspect. It was understood that the well being and existence of all of it’s inhabitants were intrinsically interrelated with it. Taking that a bit further, consider that all of that mental and emotional energy, consciousness, was directed towards earth regularly. As humans developed - I hesitate to say evolved , and became civilized, they moved away from the ancient and inherent teachings, and moved into the material era. The consciousness of mankind directed towards materialism, which views existence as separate from that of everything else. Therefore energy was withdrawn from the biosphere. Additionally, with this focus on materialism, mankind suffered as they increasingly focused outwardly instead of inwardly. Withdrawing themselves from the very source that they are connected to. Albert Einstein, the great physicist, opined on this, “ It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has outpaced our humanity”

So, what to do? How do we correct the imbalance that has occurred? For Earth will correct it if we do not.

The answer is simple. So simple that it may be hard to accept.

Start to recognize that we are all connected. People, places, and things. In having this recognition, understand that that to wish to consider and bring harmony to those around us, and that around us, will better ourselves too. We have withdrawn our Spirit from the world, and it needs our Spirit. We have viewed ourselves as individuals, instead of recognizing what our ancestors inherently understood, we are all connected. Our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, impact the world around us, and, is a reflection of our inner world.

Start by recognizing and thanking Earth for life. And with each action, be mindful of what you are putting out. This is a Universal Truth, that, in the ignorance of our technological age, is being proven by science.

As we restore the balance of energy, by living intentionally, and being aware of this interconnection of life and consciousness, there will be benefits for all living creatures.

Start today by thanking Earth, and maybe, just maybe, even apologizing. She has been ignored for a long time. Perhaps with this start, we can restore some of the imbalances that we are seeing.

Live intentionally.